Childhood Trauma Therapy in Connecticut and Virginia

Childhood Trauma Therapy in Connecticut and Virginia

Reparenting the Mother Wound

Image of adult woman crying at fitness gym in Connecticut to illustrate childhood trauma therapy in Colchester, Connecticut 06415 and Falls Church, Virginia

It’s been gnawing away at you.

The feeling that something in your childhood was not exactly right.

That your mom was not who you imagined or hoped she would be…

To the outside world, she was a hero and a vision.

To you, she was a bully. Scary. Invasive. Shaming.

You so desperately wanted her undivided attention, affection, and love. But something was always missing.

You feel discomfort in beginning childhood trauma therapy and focusing on yourself.

Every time you have done something for yourself, you have been shamed and told you are selfish. But you’re ready to break free from childhood trauma.

Image of woman confidently pulling aside curtains to show healing power of childhood trauma therapy in Colchester, Connecticut 06415 and Falls Church, Virginia

It’s time to shed what’s been keeping you stuck. When it takes hold, childhood trauma can feel like:

  • You stay stuck in your head, over-thinking and replaying the same thoughts or errors

  • You are your own worst critic, and you shame yourself constantly

  • You make sure to stay productive. You have got to remain on task, focused, and hard-working. You can’t seem lazy! You don’t have the luxury of relaxation

  • You apologize again and again. It feels like it is never enough to make you enough

  • You believe others deserve more space and joy than yourself

  • Your anger? Please. That’s just not allowed.

  • You doubt your sadness when it comes on. Is it really valid? It’s hard to know…

Despite being incredibly caring and perceptive, you increasingly discover that you feel stressed, resentful (even though you don’t want to), and these feelings unfold into your relationships.

Image of trauma therapist holding hands with friend in Charlottesville, VA to show childhood trauma therapy in Colchester, CT, 06415 and Falls Church, Virginia

Looking for childhood trauma therapy in Colchester, CT or Falls Church, VA? You’re exactly where you belong

You’re ready to disrupt that pattern, heal your past,

and discover your true self

What is Considered Childhood Trauma?

Examples of What the Mother Wound Feels Like

Image of woman walking through Shenandoah National Park with umbrella to show childhood trauma therapy in Colchester, CT, 06415 and Falls Church, Virginia

Types of Childhood Trauma Can Include:

  • Neglect

  • Impact of immigration, survival, and generational trauma for immigrants & children of immigrants

  • Abandonment

  • Lack of security and safety

  • Attachment Wounds

  • Gaslighting

  • Emotional, physical, sexual abuse

  • Community, household violence

  • Mother Wounds

  • Narcissistic abuse

You grew up feeling undeserving.

The younger part of you is looking to you now—to reparent your inner child and emerge from your childhood trauma as the confident, capable adult, fully deserving of everything you are and have become.

Ready to start childhood trauma therapy in Colchester, CT or Falls Church, VA?

How Childhood Trauma Therapy in Connecticut and Virginia Helps

What would your life look like if, instead of stress, frustration, overwhelm, and resentment, you could connect inward, know what you need, and nurture yourself?

In this space and time, what would it look like for you to give yourself curiosity, compassion, and love?

What would happen if instead of shame and criticism you gave the same kind of care to yourself that you so freely and willingly give to other people?

Image of Merritt Parkway lined with trees in Connecticut to show hope and to illustrate childhood trauma therapy in Colchester, CT and Falls Church, Virginia

Vulnerability has felt scary before. Through our journey together, online childhood trauma therapy can support you to:

Feel more capable and confident

Feel more in control and empowered

Be in relationship with others in a way that feels good and safe

Acknowledge and assert your feelings without fear of impact on others

Overcome shame, anxiety, depression, and people pleasing

Feel that you are enough

Resolve past relationship hurts and wounds

Be more present, connected, and at peace with yourself

Start Childhood Trauma Therapy in Connecticut & Virginia

We will start by chatting for a brief 15-minute consultation phone call to talk about what you are looking for in therapy, my approach, and to see if we are a good therapeutic fit for each other.

From there, we will schedule a regular time to meet.

I specialize in offering online childhood trauma therapy in Connecticut and Virginia. All you need is a private space for us to meet, no downloading necessary. Easy!

Want to learn more about how this works?

I am not a “homework” therapist. I am not the ultimate expert, but your partner, co-creating our therapeutic relationship and goals together. Childhood trauma therapy is an opportunity for you to set aside time for you. You get to show up and build connection and compassion for yourself.

Learn more about me here or read more about my approach to childhood trauma therapy in Connecticut and Virginia in my blog.

I focus on building safety in our relationship and use this as a base through which we get to explore your needs. I will invite challenges and moments of curiosity throughout our journey coupled with compassion. I won’t be talking to you like an all-knowing robot, but like a human being.

Image of trauma therapist, Alice Zic, smiling in front of Sleeping Giant State Park, to show childhood trauma therapy in Colchester, CT and Falls Church, VA

If you are ready to begin your journey towards healing from childhood trauma in Colchester, CT or Falls Church, VA, simply follow these steps below:

  1. Schedule a free 15-minute consultation phone call using the button below

  2. Fill out the pre-consult form

  3. Consult over our phone call. Share what you need and your goals.

  4. Begin your journey in childhood trauma therapy and move towards healing

FAQ About Childhood Trauma Therapy in Connecticut & Virginia

  • It might be, and that can be something we chat about before you commit to anything. Sometimes, those who have experienced childhood trauma have trouble recalling something “specific” and instead mention feeling a lack of safety or security, even a feeling of danger in certain moments or in the presence of certain people. This can be because at a time when you were young, your body learned to cope in ways that were non-verbal, and this is your body’s way of remembering, even if it feels very confusing to you now. It could of course be other things too and we don’t want to rule those out either. This is why I offer a free consultation call before we begin working together to see if what I offer feels like it would work well for what you need in your healing process.

  • Yes, I do. Childhood trauma comes in many forms and while my focus area tends to be in mother wounding, I also provide childhood trauma therapy with those who, during childhood, experienced emotional neglect, abuse, abandonment or insecure bonds with family members, or family separation and immigration challenges. I also work with those who are children of emotionally immature and/or narcissistic parents.

  • It’s really disappointing to hear that you have been through judgment and harm from another therapist, especially when that space is supposed to feel safe so that you can grow. Therapy harm is unfortunately not uncommon, even in those with histories of childhood trauma who have sought therapy previously. In these cases, I do strongly recommend setting up a consultation phone call with me here so that we can chat about what you are looking for in childhood trauma therapy. It’s important that your needs and wounds are addressed in a way that offers and honors repair that is healing and justice-oriented for you.

  • My rate is $200 for a 50-55-minute session.

    Therapy is a short-term investment for your long-term healing and recovery. As an out-of-network provider, I am able to offer you an invoice (called a Superbill) for reimbursement. How you get reimbursed depends on your insurance’s specific plan.

  • I offer online (or virtual) therapy sessions only through a HIPAA-complicant, secure video platform.

    I do not hold phone or in-person sessions for childhood trauma therapy.

  • When beginning childhood trauma therapy, I ask that clients meet weekly. This allows us to build a more solid foundation, specifically with safety and trust in our relationship, and stronger coping strategies. Over time, we can adjust the frequency of how often we meet.

  • I am so excited to work with you! Please reach out to me on my contact page or book a consult call with me here. I will respond within 48 hours.

    Please note that all contacts between Fridays and Sundays will be returned the following Monday.

    I can’t wait to meet you!

Other Therapy Services Offered

I also specialize in providing parentification trauma therapy and teen anxiety counseling online throughout Connecticut and Virginia. Interested to learn more? Check out the following options below: