Why Seek Online Therapy in CT for Childhood Trauma?

Image of stressed out woman sitting in New Haven coffee shop to illustrate power and benefit of online therapy in Connecticut for healing childhood trauma

How Has Childhood Trauma Been Impacting You?

Image of overwhelmed woman sitting alone in Hartford home to illustrate power and benefit of online therapy in Connecticut for healing childhood trauma

Your past is murky. Some things are unclear and confusing, and some things sting you with shame and discomfort. Your relationship with your parents is frantic: somehow, you have always been the “fixer,” the “responsible one” and whenever you have softened and shown your vulnerable, angry, hurt, or upset sides, you have experienced backlash and panic. The ways that you have hidden yourself worked so well. I mean, hardly anyone has noticed the REAL you. But now it’s starting to eat away at you, make it hard to function, cause you fear. It’s time for you to honestly care for yourself and heal. Why not explore online therapy in Connecticut?

Childhood Trauma Therapy Requires a Good Fit

Image of woman in online therapy session with therapist in Stamford to illustrate power and benefit of online therapy in Connecticut for healing childhood trauma

Childhood trauma typically centers around repeated breaks and wounds in close relationships—but without any repair or guarantee of safety/security. Because you will be exploring these wounds and broken trust, finding an experienced trauma therapist who understands this dynamic is critical. Safety between you and your trauma therapist is necessary for the healing process to unfold.

A Good Therapeutic Fit Can Happen with Online Therapy

Image of woman in online therapy session in Branford home to illustrate power and benefit of online therapy in Connecticut for healing childhood trauma

As therapy unfolds, you gain skills to navigate the stress you experience in your body, the fear of repairing with people after conflict, and the grief of tending to the younger parts of you. That means that this therapeutic relationship is key. Sometimes finding a good fit for your needs in your immediate area can be tough, but with online therapy, you get to expand what is accessible to you to the entire state. As you expand your access, you get the opportunity to find someone who really intrinsically understands your experience and can support you to gain the tools and skills you need.

You’re Busy. How Will You Fit Getting to Therapy?

Image of woman in online therapy session in her Milford home to illustrate power and benefit of online therapy in Connecticut for healing childhood trauma

Connecticut is no fun for traveling long distances, is it? This makes getting to an appointment far more time-consuming and complicated. Online therapy removes the transportation barrier. Suddenly, you don’t need to worry about access to a car or bus, or whether a space is walking distance (or mobile-friendly).

Online Therapy in CT Increases Access

Image of adult woman standing in nature in Woodbridge, CT to illustrate the power and benefit of online therapy in Connecticut for healing childhood trauma

No transportation? Frustrated with inaccessible spaces? Overwhelmed by running from errand to appointment to work to home? No problem! The great thing about online therapy is that you only need a private space, internet, and your device. No added time buffer needed to get from place to place. You can even schedule therapy before or during the work/school day, or even on a lunch break. So much simpler! And when inclement weather happens, you don’t have to worry about bracing the elements or wondering about whether it’s still okay to go to your appointment. You get to easily attend your session without worry.

With Online Therapy, Healing Childhood Trauma Happens

Image of woman practicing grounding & anchoring skills to illustrate the power and benefit of online therapy in Connecticut for healing childhood trauma

You have privacy and safety with an experienced trauma therapist and the use of a HIPAA-compliant platform to meet for sessions. The added benefit? Online therapy allows you to build grounding and anchoring tools in your very own space. This means you get to learn new tools for relating to your body in a kind, compassionate way that gently brings you out of moments of terror, anger, and numbness and back into the present where you feel connected to yourself and able to move through the rest of your day. Learning these tools in your own space makes the transition into and out of therapy easier AND makes it something you can easily practice in your very own space because you have got your own tools right there!

Start Online Therapy in CT at Nurturing Willow Psychotherapy, LLC:

mage of trauma therapist Alice Zic, owner and therapist at Nurturing Willow Psychotherapy, LLC, to show the benefit of online therapy in CT for childhood trauma

Alice Zic, MPH, LCSW | Trauma Therapist & Owner of Nurturing Willow Psychotherapy, LLC

  1. Click the button below to schedule your free 15-minute consultation phone call

  2. Fill out the pre-consult form

  3. Consult with Alice Zic, your new therapist

  4. Begin your therapeutic journey toward healing childhood trauma

Online Therapy in Connecticut for Childhood Trauma

Image of woman in online therapy session in Wallingford, CT to illustrate the power and benefit of online therapy in Connecticut for healing childhood trauma

Heal the wounds from your past and reparent the younger you to emerge as a connected, confident self in the present. Learn more about online therapy in Connecticut for childhood trauma below:

Online Therapy in Connecticut for Parentification Trauma

Image of woman in online therapy session in Litchfield, CT to show the benefit of online therapy in CT for healing childhood trauma & parentification trauma

You took on adult responsibilities at such a young age. Instead of having your needs met, you looked out for and met everyone else’s unmet needs. Make the time and space you need to resolve the caretaker in you, the one who is also exhausted, people pleasing, and afraid. Learn more about online therapy in Connecticut for parentification trauma:

Additional Therapy Services Offered at Nurturing Willow Psychotherapy, LLC:


What is Parentification Trauma? How it Happens & How to Heal


How Do You Reparent Yourself as a Mom? Strategies to Begin