Parentification Trauma Therapy in Connecticut and Virginia

Parentification Trauma Therapy in Connecticut and Virginia

You always kept it together. Stayed responsible.

Image of sad adult woman being left out by other adult women to illustrate parentification trauma therapy in Colchester, Connecticut and Falls Church, Virginia

Your parents had the world stacked against them.

And you entered adulthood so young.

Those carefree childhood days people talk about?

Forget it. You’ve been on edge since Day 1.

You had to step it up.

You were a surrogate parent to your siblings, to your parents. A surrogate spouse to your parents…

You were the emotional caregiver. The health care worker. The accountant. The interpreter. The caseworker. The cook. The babysitter. The provider.

Image of young boy swinging in Bassett Park, Hamden, CT to illustrate parentification trauma therapy in Colchester, Connecticut and Falls Church, Virginia

All the while, the pressure was on.

You were supposed to achieve excellence. There was no room for error.

Because if you slipped up, there were consequences.

Image of teen girl on her phone being left out by other teenagers to show parentification trauma therapy in Colchester, Connecticut & Falls Church, Virginia

You wanted so desperately to be seen.

But every time you spoke up, you were told you were “selfish,” “ungrateful,” “disrespectful,” and “bad.”

Image of parentified and overwhelmed child of immigrants to illustrate parentification trauma therapy in Colchester, Connecticut and Falls Church, Virginia

So you kept going. Pushing yourself.

It was more important to make sure they were happy. In fact, you got so good at making them happy, that you started to hide your true self.

Family first, right?

But when family always came first…when you were scared, made a mistake, needed help, who did you turn to?

Image of stressed and overworked first generation woman to illustrate parentification trauma therapy in Colchester, Connecticut and Falls Church, Virginia

You have been self-reliant for so long. You have pushed yourself for so long.

Parentification trauma meant you spent so much time and energy making sure everyone else was taken care of. That your family was pleased.

And now, you’re lost. You’re exhausted.

You have always been the responsible caretaker, focusing on everyone else’s needs.

Isn’t it time to discover who you truly are?

If you’re looking to start parentification trauma therapy in Connecticut or Virginia, you have come to the right place.

How Can I Tell if I have Experienced Parentification Trauma?

What are the Signs and Symptoms of Parentification in Childhood?

  • Taking on developmentally inappropriate roles (cooking, cleaning, language interpretation, health care navigation, tax prep)

  • Providing emotional support to younger siblings and/or parent(s) (acting like a parent’s parent or best friend and being criticized when not acting in this role)

  • Expectation and pressure to provide for family security and avoid family/cultural shame

What are the Symptoms of Parentification Trauma in Adults?

  • Perfectionism

  • People-pleasing

  • The fear of being your true self

  • Imposter syndrome

  • Hyper-independence

  • Burnout

  • Constantly caregiving for others

  • Self-abandonment

  • Mother wounds & father wounds

How Parentification Trauma Therapy Can Help You

Heal Your Younger Self

Image of confident and healed first generation immigrant man to illustrate parentification trauma therapy in Colchester, Connecticut and Falls Church, Virginia
  • You have been stuck between who you “should” be and who you truly are and you are ready to find your way outside of that trap

  • Your terror of failure and making mistakes has scared you. You want to find your way out of perfectionism and parentification and into more ease and forgiveness.

  • You are ready to dismantle cycles of generational pain that you have witnessed hold your family back, that have held you back from the fullness of your joy and your hope

  • You want to let go of people-pleasing and the urgency to keep going and going until you’re exhausted

  • Most of all, you want to stop being so worried about whether you are “too much” or “not good enough” for everyone else. You finally want to lean into the healing potential of trauma therapy and be at peace and good enough for you

Learn more about parentification trauma therapy in Colchester, CT or Falls Church, VA:

Start Parentification Trauma Therapy in Connecticut and Virginia

We will start by chatting for a brief 15-minute consultation phone call to talk about what you are looking for in parentification trauma therapy, my approach, and to see if we are a good mutual therapeutic fit for each other.

Learn more about me here.

Therapy with me is not not another space where you have to be “on” or appease an “authority figure,” but an opportunity to release your wounds and enter into your fullest self.

Learn More about how to get started in online parentification therapy in Connecticut and Virginia below:

I am not a “homework” therapist. I am not the ultimate expert, but your partner, co-creating our therapeutic relationship and goals together. I emphasize safety in our relationship and use this as a base through which we get to explore your needs.

I invite challenges and moments of curiosity throughout our journey coupled with compassion. I do not talk to you like an all-knowing robot, but like a human being.

Read more about my approach and style in my blog.

Image of Alice Zic smiling in front of trees in Bull Run Regional Park to show parentification trauma therapy in Colchester, CT and Falls Church, Virginia

If you are ready to begin your journey towards healing from parentification trauma, simply follow these steps below:

  1. Schedule a free 15-minute consultation phone call using the button below

  2. Fill out the pre-consult form

  3. Consult over our phone call. Share what you need and your goals

  4. Begin your therapy journey with parentification trauma therapy in Connecticut and Virginia and move towards healing

FAQ About Parentification Trauma Therapy in Connecticut and Virginia

  • Parentification trauma therapy is a type of psychotherapy that allows you to process multiple parts of your life: growing up and taking on responsibilities quickly and at a young age, complex cultural and intergenerational family dynamics, and an exhausting present-day experience. Much of parentification trauma therapy involves looking at restoring power and joy to younger, wounded parts of you that didn’t have the power and freedom to express what you may have wanted, while also examining the systemic complexities that affected you, your family, and your community. Oftentimes, parentification trauma therapy involves grief work too. Throughout this process, you offer yourself healing, growth, and recovery.

  • Let’s chat about it! You can book a consultation call with me right here and ask any questions you have. I am happy to share more about my approach. It’s important that you feel safe and comfortable when starting the parentification trauma therapy process.

  • My rate is $200 for a 50-55-minute session.

    Therapy is a short-term investment for your long-term healing and recovery. As an out-of-network provider, I am able to offer you an invoice (called a Superbill) for reimbursement. How you get reimbursed depends on your insurance’s specific plan.

  • I offer online (or virtual) therapy sessions only for adults physically located in Connecticut or Virginia through a HIPAA-complicant, secure video platform. I do not hold phone or in-person sessions for parentification trauma therapy.

  • When beginning parentification trauma therapy, I ask that clients meet weekly. This allows us to build a more solid foundation, specifically with safety and trust in our relationship, and stronger coping strategies. Over time, we can adjust the frequency of how often we meet.

  • I am so excited to get to know you and work with you! Please reach out to me on my contact page or book a consult call with me here. I will respond within 48 hours.

    Please note that all contacts between Fridays and Sundays will be returned the following Monday.

    I can’t wait to meet you!

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