The Impact of Emotional Stonewalling in Childhood

A Trauma Therapist in Colchester, CT on Emotional Stonewalling in Childhood

What is Emotional Stonewalling?

Emotional Stonewalling is also known as the silent treatment.

Simply put, emotional stonewalling occurs when one person ignores another person, usually as the result of conflict.

What Happens When a Child is on the Receiving End of Emotional Stonewalling?

When this is used by a parent or a caregiver, the parent ignores their child as a form of punishment or for consequences. This dynamic can unfold for many reasons. The parent may not have the capacity to move through emotions that feel intense. At the same time, the impact on the child is:

  • There is a limit to your love for me

  • I as the child have to soothe you, the parent

The child in this dynamic feels SO much anxiety and tension. Rather than the parent or caregiver remaining a source of comfort, the child assumes the role of an emotional caregiver. The child anxiously takes on the belief “I have to fix our problem so that you won’t abandon me and so that you will love me again.” The child feels compelled to fix or rescue the parent/caregiver.

How Does Emotional Stonewalling Impact Relationships?

As the child develops and grows into adulthood, this impact in relationship can repeat itself, leading to a couple of significant takeaways:

  • Repair in relationships does not happen. When there is a conflict, it’s over

  • When a conflict happens, it is 100% completely up to me to fix and it is because I did something wrong, not because we had a miscommunication that we can work through

Image of two female partners in in conflict to show impact of stonewalling & benefit of online trauma therapy in Colchester, CT 06415 & throughout all of VA

It can leave you feeling confused, helpless, and as though if you do not fix or rescue, you have failed or made a mistake that you can’t get past.

Exploring the roots of these moments in relationship can offer you compassion, the space to heal, and show up differently in relationships.

Begin Healing from Emotional Stonewalling at Nurturing Willow Psychotherapy in 4 Simple Steps:

Image of expert trauma therapist, Alice Zic, in Hartford, CT to show impact of stonewalling & benefit of online trauma therapy in Colchester, CT 06415 & VA

Alice Zic, MPH, LCSW | Trauma Therapist & Owner of Nurturing Willow Psychotherapy, LLC

  1. Click the button below to schedule your free 15-minute consultation phone call

  2. Fill out the pre-consult form

  3. Consult with Alice Zic, your new caring therapist

  4. Begin your journey towards healing from hurt in your relationships and becoming the confident person you long to be

Online Therapy in Colchester, CT to Heal from Emotional Stonewalling and Relationship Wounds

Image of person’s hands typing on laptop in Falls Church, VA to show impact of stonewalling & benefit of online trauma therapy in Colchester, CT 06415 & VA

You notice your wounds from childhood impacting you in the present day and you are ready to begin healing. My virtual practice is located in Colchester, CT and I offer online therapy in Connecticut. Why navigate the stressful traffic and weather when you can attend therapy from the safety and comfort of your home?

Alice Zic is a licensed trauma therapist in Connecticut and Virginia. Alice provides online therapy for childhood trauma, parentification trauma, and teen anxiety. She works with those who feel like they are “too much” and “not enough” at the same time, who are ready to become the confident person they want to be. Alice uses an approach rooted in Internal Family Systems (IFS). Schedule a consultation phone call to work with Alice here.

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