But She’s Your Mom! Unpacking 5 Signs of Mother Wounds
It sends chills up your spine—when someone doesn’t get it and keeps urging you to get in touch with your mom. Your relationship with her is…complicated. One moment you feel like you “should” be best friends with her and confide everything in her. But the next minute? You feel betrayed, guilty, and horrible. Sometimes being around her does not feel good at all. You just don’t get it! Could it be that there is more to your relationship with her than you have explored before?
Let’s dive into the complexities and signs of mother wounding.
What is Childhood Trauma? Understanding the Signs and Impact
Childhood trauma usually can’t be isolated to one specific event. Instead, it’s a mishmash of multiple confusing, insidious, and murky overwhelming moments. That’s because the experiences that fall under the category of childhood trauma are both relational (happening between people) and systemic (created by external, oppressive forces).